Trade Partners
Throughout the country there are Economic Development groups or Business Development organizations providing funding for accelerating exports and stimulate the economy in their region. One way to increase exports is to provide funds for export education to businesses. The education in turn gives businesses the tools and confidence to expand or enter exporting arena.
Recently Global Training Center partnered with the Illinois SBDC International Trade Center at the Industrial Council of Nearwest Chicago (ICNC). The Illinois SBDC International Trade Center at the Industrial Council of Nearwest Chicago was founded in 2010 to serve as a resource center for Chicago-area small business exporters. In the team effort, Global Training Center provided the training and the Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity provided the funding – coordinated by ICNC – for Illinois based firms wanting to grow their export business. The collaboration has yielded 3 half day seminars that enhanced the job skills of these small business’ key export staff. The topics covered included Exporting to Mexico, Commercial Terms, and Working with Logistics Partners.
Government and non-profit agencies work with ICNC to promote and or to extend exporting by providing the funding for education. If you are a small business and has ever thought of expanding your sales by exporting your products out of the U.S., you may be able to look into local or regional groups that promote growth and sponsor education and business efforts to grow exports and sales. We have partnered with other organizations in the past as well and will be more than glad to work with a group you may belong to.