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The Benefits Of A Customized Trade Compliance Seminar/Webinar At Your Facility
Signs of an economic recovery are showing up in different areas of our industry. Increases in shipping have created a steady growth over the last few months as compared to the same time last year. However many companies are still very careful about their spending and are still limiting travel. With an increase of shipments, exports,…
UFLPA’s Expanding Reach
By George W. Thompson In anticipation of the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, a number of federal agencies issued a joint Xinjiang Supply Chain Business Advisory in July 2021. An Addendum to that advisory was released in September 2023. The Addendum identifies a wide range of additional products and industries believed to use forced labour or child labor. Much…
Are You Prepared for Canada’s Modern Slavery Act? Understanding Your Supply Chain Risks
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Dumping on American Builders and Homebuyers
By Scott Lincicome // CATO Institute As we at Cato frequently explain, “trade remedies” tariffs — antidumping, countervailing duty, and safeguard actions — are one of U.S. trade policy’s dirty little secrets. They’re insanely (and intentionally) complex, buried in layers of regulatory mumbo‐jumbo, and thus mostly ignored by politicians, media, and laypeople who often claim or believe that…
Russia’s Bold Move: Opening Doors to Foreign Banks
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The Enforce and Protect Act: What You Should Know About Antidumping & Countervailing Duties
Activity under the EAPA has been picking up lately, so it would be timely to address the statute and administrative procedures under it and describe some of the enforcement concerns for US importers and their foreign suppliers. Simply stated, antidumping duties are imposed by the US Commerce Department when imported merchandise has been determined to…