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This Automotive USMCA Training takes a look at the different requirements, documentation, and qualification procedures for your automotive products. Learn how to qualify your Automotive Goods for USMCA Rules of Origin. 

Country of Origin is a key part of Free Trade Agreements and is crucial in these days of anti-dumping and section 201, 232, and 301 duties. This course will help you understand substantial transformation, the rules of origin for determining the Country of Origin, and how to document your work.

Secure your process with this Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (CTPAT)Training Course. The program recognizes that CBP can provide the highest level of cargo security only through close cooperation with the principal stakeholders of the international supply chain such as importers, carriers, consolidators, licensed customs brokers, and manufacturer

This Duty Drawback training webinar will help you understand the basic aspects of the different types of duty drawback programs available along with the new rules and regulations, known as TFTEA, which have significantly changed some aspects of the duty drawback industry altogether.

This export controls training covers basic concepts one needs to understand to execute essential global business operations in a compliant manner. The course has been updated to include new developments so that you will also learn about revisions to license exceptions, end use/end user controls on China, about new controls on foundational technologies and more. 

Course presents an overview of the processes involved in cross-border exportation between the United States and Mexico. This course is designed to help organizations under- stand cultural differences, the legal requirements of doing business in Mexico and provide an opportunity to focus on establishing/updating operations and internal procedures which will enable companies to practice a level of reason- able care required by United States and Mexican governments.

This course will provide an in-depth understanding of export regulations and procedures combined with a study of the appropriate documentation that will give you a valuable advantage in making your international trade business a success. Learn to comply with regulations to avoid violations, fines, fees, and delayed shipments.

Streamline your shipments to Canada. Learn about the Canadian customs requirements, review procedures, learn the documentation requirements, non-resident importations and the process of clearing goods at Canadian Customs. This course has been designed to provide a comprehensive guide for the requirements for shipping products to Can- ada and to facilitate exporting to Canada. 

In this special comprehensive training + workshop on forced labor supply chain tracing, participants will explore the historical evolution of regulations related to forced labor in supply chains, gaining contextual background and an understanding of the moral and ethical implications of forced labor. 

Learn the importance of accurate paperwork and timely reporting. Designed to help commercial importers become more aware of their regulatory obligations, learn your broker’s responsibilities, and develop strategies for improving trade compliance within their organization. Remember, your customs broker’s errors could result in penalties for YOU, the importer.

This course builds upon techniques presented in our U.S. Importing course and explains how to implement and strengthen your import controls. Course also describes what you should do to prepare for the eventuality of a CBP audit. Did you know that U.S. Customs requires that importers have written policy and procedures for record-keeping and customs compliance?

International Commercial Terms were created to facilitate international trade. But without a good understanding of Incoterms, the terms you are using may be putting your company at risk and adding unnecessary costs and confusion. Take this class to understand when the transfer of risk moves from the Seller to the Buyer and who is responsible for insurance. Understanding Incoterms is vital to importers, exporters, bankers, and service providers.

Learn to control your international shipments by directly coordinating your documents with transportation rules and procedures. Review the air and ocean transportation & documentation process. A comprehensive review of the roles of the forwarder and the customs broker. Learn the evaluation and selection process of the international forwarder, customs broker, and carrier. 

fundamental overview of the U.S. International Traffic in Arms (ITAR), providing insight and understand of the key principals and essentials of proper compliance. How does ITAR impact international business, avoid costly fines and penalties, does my product fall under ITAR, and other questions are answered with this training. Learn if your prod-ucts have moved from ITAR to EAR!

This live training session offers a comprehensive exploration of ITAR, talking on recent developments and regulatory revisions. Additionally, it will feature a segment dedicated to examining enforcement actions in this field.

As your international business grows, so will your financial risks and uncertainties. Imagine not getting paid for your international sales! Learn to fully comply with Letters of Credit requirements. Learn how to ensure that you receive payment for your shipments, how to get paid faster, and how to lower bank fees.

Classification for importing, exporting, FTA determination & clarification on Section 301 and Section 232. The classification & valuation of goods are major decisions! Critical information is not only for duty purposes but also to determine whether goods are subject to quotas, restraints, embargoes, or other restrictions. Shipments with incorrect classifications may not reach their destination and/or you may be subjected to penalties.

Free Trade Agreement USMCA can help you save on tariffs and fees. Our experts will guide you through the process of properly qualifying goods, navigating procedures, and completing documentation under USMCA and other free trade agreements. You’ll also learn about the latest changes regarding the certification of origin, so you can stay ahead of the curve and ensure compliance.

If you have questions please contact us by chat, contact form, email or phone.

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Learn to Comply with our Trade Compliance Courses

Why Trust Global Training Center?
Dedicated to Education – Where others use training seminars/webinars as a means to generate information and lead for their core business, usually consulting software or legal practice, GTC was founded and continues to operate on the fundamental notion of educating individuals on international trade and customs matters. For over 31 years we have provided global trade compliance training to the international trade community. We have become the market leader as a result of dedicated customers coming back every year for additional training and continued recommendations from them as well. It’s hard to beat GTC’s dedication to excellence. Explore our private trade compliance courses today.

You’ll receive international trade compliance training from an experienced specialist who has been in your shoes and understands your needs.

βœ” Receive detailed answers to your specific questions
βœ” Receive a valuable reference book with seminar registration
βœ” Reference books and courses are updated yearly
βœ” Expect NO SALES, NO GIMMICKS, JUST LEARNING at our seminars and webinars.
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Make a smart investment in your business’s future by enrolling in our Trade Compliance Courses. With the constantly changing regulations and laws, staying up-to-date is crucial to avoid costly fines and penalties that can add up to thousands of dollars. Our courses provide expert guidance and practical knowledge to help you mitigate risk and ensure compliance.
Don’t wait until it’s too late – enroll now and protect your business from potential financial loss!

Reasons why taking global Trade Compliance Courses is important:
βœ” Trade Compliance is the law
βœ” It could be costly if you are not compliant
βœ” Protect your company
βœ” Some violations may result in criminal or civil penalties, debarred from future exports, and imprisonment.
βœ” Avoid Fines and Penalties
βœ” Stop shipment delays
βœ” Don’t get placed on a government watchlist
βœ” Build a Compliance Culture

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