
ISBN-10: 1-891249-68-1Last Updated: 2023Author: Trudy Wilson Overview This valuable reference book includes tips, hints, documents & regulations for exporting from the United States and importing into Canada. A must for anyone exporting to Canada from the United States! About the Author Global Training Center’s “Canada: Are You CANpliant?” was written by Trudy Wilson. Trudy Wilson is…

ISBN-10: 1-891249-78-9Last Updated: 2024Author: John Goodrich Overview As part of the import entry process, goods must be “classified” in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States and their customs value must be determined. It is the responsibility of the importer of record to use “reasonable care” to “enter,” “classify” and “value” the goods and…

ISBN-10: 1-891249-72-XLast Updated: 2022Authors: George Thompson & Catherine Petersen Overview Before a company begins exporting, it faces the initial problem of how to obtain customers in foreign countries and distribute products to them. Exporters may think of Direct Sales, or dealing directly with the buyer, as their best method of obtaining customers. The advantages of…

ISBN-10: 1-891249-67-3Last Updated: 2020Authors: George Thompson & Catherine J Petersen Overview Newly revised and updated rules for 2020. The goal of this Incoterms 2020 book is to provide a working knowledge of what are known as “terms of sale.” Perhaps the most familiar of the terms of sale is “F.O.B.”; however, there are several others….

ISBN-10: 1-891249-81-9ISBN-13: 978-1-891249-81-5Last Updated: 2021 Overview To succeed in today’s global marketplace and be competitive, exporters must offer their customers attractive sales terms supported by the appropriate payment methods, and importers must negotiate for the best terms for sales from with their suppliers. Getting paid in full and on time is the goal for each…

IISBN-10: 1-891249-41-XLast Updated: 2023Author: Michael Laden Overview This CTPAT compliance book was designed to be your single source for CTPAT information and a roadmap on how to build a credible program. The author of this book was involved in the development of the CTPAT program. He guides you through the do’s and don’ts of how…

ISBN-10: 1-891249-80-0ISBN-13: 978-891249-80-8Last Updated: 2022Authors: George Thompson & Catherine J Petersen Overview Order “Managing Forwarders, Brokers & Carriers” today for a thorough trade resource. Once your company has made the sale or the purchase, it must make certain that merchandise conforming to the terms of the contract is sent to, and arrives at, the point…

ISBN-10: 1-891249-62-2ISBN-13: 978-1-891249-62-4Last Updated: 2023Author: Trudy Wilson Overview This Mexico international trade guide aims to present an overview of the processes involved in cross-border exportation between the U.S. and Mexico. It addresses U.S. export, U.S./Mexico cross-border, and Mexican import requirements. The reference book will help you understand the process and requirements for completing U.S. exports…

ISBN-10: 1-891249-76-2ISBN-13: 978-1-891249-76-1Last Updated: 2021Author: John Goodrich Overview This course guide is intended as a teaching tool to help businesses understand the import regulations, the Customs audit procedures and to develop practical business processes and controls for navigating a Customs Focused Assessment (audit). This US Customs Audit guide is organized to help answer the questions:…

ISBN-10: 1-891249-79-7Last Updated: 2024Author: John Goodrich “Helping you to help your broker to help you” Overview This simple phrase summarizes the primary purpose of this book. Too often importers are overly reliant on their customs broker to manage all of the minute details of the import entry process only to find out later that the…

ISBN-10: 1-891249-69-XISBN-13: 978-1-891249-69-3Updated August 2022Author: John Goodrich Overview This USMCA guide book is intended as a teaching tool to help businesses understand USMCA free trade agreement and to develop practical business processes for participating in the free trade agreement. The book was designed predominantly with U.S. exporters and importers in mind. as such it draws,…