GSP and Sets

GSP and Sets

Here’s a question. Assume pots and pans from Thailand individually qualify for duty-free entry into the United States under the Generalized System of Preferences (“GSP”). That means they have 35% of their value derived from Thai-origin materials or costs and are shipped directly from Thailand to the U.S. So far, so good. Now assume that…

Turn COMPLAIN into COMPLIANCE: Building an Export Controls Compliance Program That Works

Turn COMPLAIN into COMPLIANCE: Building an Export Controls Compliance Program That Works

Why is a culture of compliance seemingly easier to achieve at some companies versus others? Are there basic principles to consider, regardless of the specific regulatory area? Government regulations don’t always “make sense” to the people that need to follow them. Thus, following the rules and regulations aren’t always easy. And if people across an…

Five Ways You Can Benefit from the C-TPAT Program

Five Ways You Can Benefit from the C-TPAT Program

According to Customs Border Protection (CBP), there are now over 11,000 companies participating in The Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism or C-TPAT, a public-private partnership program implemented in November of 2001 following the September 11 terror attacks. The program is voluntary and continues to gain in popularity, providing real incentives to those importers who join. In 2014 alone…

Going Global: Navigating the Pitfalls and Opportunities of Crossborder Selling

Going Global: Navigating the Pitfalls and Opportunities of Crossborder Selling

In the first of this three-part series,‭ ‬I introduced the challenges of cross-border selling.‭ ‬In Part‭ ‬2,‭ ‬I’ll dive into some specific pitfalls and lessons learned. Pitfall‭ ‬1:‭ ‬Total landed costsA colleague living in India purchased some of his favorite products from a professional-looking site.‭ ‬He did not realize the business was US-based because it…

3 Reasons Why the Auto Industry Should Utilize Free Trade Agreements

3 Reasons Why the Auto Industry Should Utilize Free Trade Agreements

There’s been a lot of news and speculation lately around Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) as the new U.S. administration works to review and renegotiate its agreements with countries around the world and Britain figures out the Brexit implications for its own trade deals. While government and corporate leaders engage in a public discourse about the particulars for various…

NAFTA: USTR Summary of Objectives

NAFTA: USTR Summary of Objectives

In case you missed it; here is a summary of the NAFTA modernization process: The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) modernization process advanced on July 17, 2017, with the release by the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) of the NAFTA negotiating objectives summary. Specifically, Section 150(a)(1)(D) of the Bipartisan Congressional Trade…

Beware Export Controls On Software, Encryption, Technology

Beware Export Controls On Software, Encryption, Technology

Executives routinely travel abroad with company-issued or personal laptops, tablets, and handheld devices. It is common to carry product information, presentations, and other information on these devices. For example, a sales executive may have a proposal that includes detailed product specifications as well as information on pricing and delivery. The device itself may contain software…

Customs Broker Exam goes electronic and a lot more expensive

Customs Broker Exam goes electronic and a lot more expensive

The customs broker exam will from now on be administered and taken electronically. Yes, no more bubbling in scantron sheets with No. 2 pencils! On June 30, 2017, CBP issued a Federal Register Notice revising its regulations. In addition to automating the exam, CBP also moved the biannual date of the exam to the fourth Wednesday in April…

New U.S. Policy on Cuba

New U.S. Policy on Cuba

We’ve been patiently waiting for this announcement since President Trump took office on Friday, January 20, 2017. Some have speculated on whether President Trump’s stance on Cuba would further diplomatic relations following the steps of former President Barack Obama, while the majority have opined that Trump’s next steps could reverse some of the changes made…