Navigating the Choppy Waters of Digital Tariffs, Suez Canal Expansion, Forced Labor Allegations, and Venezuela’s Oil Challenges

Navigating the Choppy Waters of Digital Tariffs, Suez Canal Expansion, Forced Labor Allegations, and Venezuela’s Oil Challenges

WTO’s Moratorium on Digital Tariffs Buoyed, But for How Long? The World Trade Organization (WTO) has granted a temporary extension to the moratorium on customs duties for digital transmissions, a significant aspect of internet development, but the deal includes a hard expiration in 2026. The extension was agreed upon during the WTO’s 13th ministerial meeting…

Navigating Detention and Demurrage Billing Reform, Aviation Supply Chain Integrity, and International Sanctions

Navigating Detention and Demurrage Billing Reform, Aviation Supply Chain Integrity, and International Sanctions

Navigating the Waves of Detention and Demurrage Billing Reform The Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) has released a new rule addressing detention and demurrage billing practices in compliance with the Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 2022, aiming to rectify major issues for shippers during the pandemic. The FMC’s final rule outlines regulations on who can receive…

Leadership Lessons from a former CBP Commissioner

Leadership Lessons from a former CBP Commissioner

Former CBP Commissioner Alan Bersin sat down with the Simply Trade podcast to share his experiences transforming border governance in the post-9/11 era. As the threat landscape changed, Bersin pioneered initiatives with the private sector that strengthened security while facilitating international trade and imports/exports. One of his most impactful projects was developing the Advanced Cargo…

Cutting Through the Greenwash: A Practical Guide to Green Trade Compliance

Cutting Through the Greenwash: A Practical Guide to Green Trade Compliance

Governments and regulators are ramping up efforts to address climate change through trade policies. In this episode of Simply Trade, sustainability expert Emily Cori breaks down the complex landscape of green trade initiatives and shares actionable strategies for importers and exporters. Understanding the Expanding Regulatory Framework Cori outlines the four pillars of the CBP’s green…

Cannabis and the Intersection of Law and Business

Cannabis and the Intersection of Law and Business

As the legal cannabis industry continues to expand at a rapid pace, navigating the intricate web of trade rules has become increasingly important for businesses to understand. In their insightful discussion, cannabis law experts Vincent Sliwoski and Adams Lee delve into the nuanced regulations surrounding one of the industry’s most perplexing areas – international trade…

A Compliance Wake-Up Call: Why C-Suite Involvement is Critical for Forced Labor Prevention

A Compliance Wake-Up Call: Why C-Suite Involvement is Critical for Forced Labor Prevention

With the implementation of new forced labor prevention laws across North America, importers can no longer afford to treat supply chain compliance as an afterthought. On a recent episode of Simply Trade, hosts Andy and Lalo delved into these complex regulations with expert Ana Hinojosa of ABH Global Trade Consulting. Ana provided listeners with an…

Leading Trade Compliance from the Top Down

Leading Trade Compliance from the Top Down

Episode Recap: In the debut podcast episode, Simply Trade hosts Lalo and Andy discuss the critical importance of setting the right tone for leading trade compliance from the top down. They’re joined by expert Trudy Wilson, who shares best practices gleaned from years of experience helping companies navigate complex compliance requirements. Trudy emphasizes that compliance…

A Lifetime of International Trade Lessons with Dominic Veneziano

A Lifetime of International Trade Lessons with Dominic Veneziano

Dig into the intriguing world of international trade. Our guest, Dominic Veneziano, former Director of Import Operations at the FDA, provides key insights from his vast experience in the field. Illuminating topics discussed within this episode range from logistics challenges, navigating intricate regulations, to improving clearance processes and cycle times. Dominic shares his unique perspective…