Free Trade Agreement
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Is Your Company Capitalizing on Free Trade Agreements (FTAs)?

The primary purpose of free trade agreements (FTAs) is to lower or remove tariff barriers that hamper the active trade of goods and services between countries and to protect intellectual property rights. The U.S. alone has more than 12 FTAs, and there are more than 400 regional trade agreements worldwide; even so, it appears that many companies fail to leverage this opportunity to open up foreign markets to their products. Based on…

Will beef ever be COOL again?

Will beef ever be COOL again?

Why does the ‘Product of the USA’ label mean so much to cattle ranchers? A group of American small-business cattle ranchers called the Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund (R-CALF) is lobbying its tail off to change America’s beef-labeling laws. Labeling laws have caused small ranchers to lock horns with major meatpackers for years, and now R-CALF hopes to…