ITAR – Level 1

Global Training Center

3.5 Hour course

Level 1 Badge is awarded when the course has been completed and attendance has been verified.

This half-day ITAR compliance training provides a fundamental overview of the U.S. International Traffic In Arms (ITAR), the U.S. regulatory and statutory framework and provides an insight and understanding of the key principals and essentials of ITAR compliance. Attendees of our ITAR compliance training will gain an understanding of how the ITAR impacts international business and how to avoid costly fines and penalties. Subjects covered in this training include; ITAR and USML (U.S. Munitions List), registration with the State Department, ITAR technical data controls, ITAR licenses, compliance and enforcement, transition of hardware and technical data from the USML to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), and regulation of brokering activities.


Trade and Customs skills learned found here.